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Great Start Collaborative works closely with early childhood facilities to create environments for all Oakland County students and families to succeed. 

If you are an early childhood center with questions or requesting resources, please call Help Me Grow Oakland 844.456.5437.



Resources for Early Childhood Professionals




Early On® Oakland is a system of services for families of children birth to three years, who have a health condition or a developmentally delay.

Build Up Michigan 3-5 Years Old

Build Up helps parents and their children, ages 3 through 5, get additional educational support as they begin and continue to learn the skills needed to enter kindergarten.

Zero to Three

Zero to Three works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the family and community connections critical to their well-being and development.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Promoting high-quality learning by connecting practice, policy, and research.

Oakland Schools

Early Childhood professional learning opportunities.

Oakland County Health​ Division (OCHD)

The Oakland County Health Division provides health services for the public, businesses and educational communities.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services provides many programs and assistance to families in need.

Center For Disease Control (CDC)

Healthy development and parenting tips are available on the website for the Center for Disease Control.

Local Leadership Group

The Oakland County Local Leadership Group provides opportunities for home visiting services and the early childhood system to work together to better serve the needs of pregnant mothers and young children (0 – 5 years).